Omg, Thank you very much

      I had this teacher in my whole Grade 8 life which I admire so much. She's the one who always understand our feels and resentments about our life as a student. She never underestimate us and she always show her real character, not the fake ones. She's not only a teacher but she's also our mother. I know that I'm not the only one who admire and adore her as a teacher and a second mother.

      Mrs. Rowena delos Reyes, a.k.a Ma'am Weng is the most wonderful and intelligent teacher I've ever met. She has the everything, everything a teacher does. She's understanding, conscience, intelligent, funny and most of all, HONEST.

     Honestly, she's very different from other teachers, because she always understand our feels as students and she knows everything, every little things about the school and student's attitude.

      I can really prove it. One time, a super tremendous and the most stupid thing happened in my Grade 8 life. I have this classmate who's very fame whore and he will do everything for his fame in school. We didn't like his attitude and also, he is very boastful and dishonest. Ma'am Weng knows him. I really don't know why does she have those instincts. Then at the other day, he really thought that we're fighting him back or also known as back stabbing. Then he did everything just to win his fame and to crash our names and personality in school.

     I will not continue the story because it's too confidential and I don't want to bring it up here just because of publicity and the other people might thought that I'm just bringing up it here because I'm begging for something.

     Ma'am Weng knows all of the story. She's the first to discover that thing. She supports us because she knows that we're the correct and the honest one. She's very spectacular when it comes to student's characteristics.

    I can't express everything here because I am so grateful that I have this kind of teacher who's always there for me and for us. I love you Ma'am Weng, as my teacher, as my second mum.


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